The Rugby World Cup kicks off on Friday
Join us in Jack’s Bar and on the deck (big screen) with food specials and lots of GEES!
In 2019, The Boks won the World Cup with a young side. Now they are 4 years older and prime! Why all the great sides are on the same side of the draw, I don’t know. But, if we can beat Scotland and Ireland and get to the final 8 we have proven ourselves already. When that happens, do we want France or New Zealand? After we win that match, everything else should fall into place. We’ll talk again next week!
Spring Day (Casual Day)
Another great week of Golf
Please acknowledge and support all of our great sponsors! Winners on the day need at least one team member present to receive their prize.
Stars of the week!
- Flying high from Ireland
- Double your pleasure!

On his home hole
Coming soon!
Vietnam is waiting – Tony and Rose will take you there!
Our Valued Sponsors
- Adding to so many days!
- Award the Players!
- Ladies’ Majors
- Par-3 Sponsor
- Host Food and Beverage
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- Special Fridays