We’re having FUN here!

Jeff ClauseSanta Says

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Fun Events for all

Woodlands Dairy returns – Great results despite the challenging weather!

Once again, the team from Woodlands Dairy and their sponsors produced a great day of golf, super prize-giving tables and some real financial support for HOSPICE. Somehow, the right cause, friends, atmosphere, and place make a great day of fun from, what on paper, looked like two days of golfing misery. Both Thursday and Friday’s fields were fully subscribed. On Thursday, the legendary rugby star, Naas Botha shared his thoughts about the upcoming World Cup in France. He was positive about the Boks but warned that the host nation and New Zealand would be tough to beat again. On Friday, great cricketers from the past, Pat Symcox and Dave Richardson shared some interesting barbs from their early years.

Sister Ingrid was on hand again, sharing the real story behind HOSPICE. I am amazed at what a special person she is and the nursing sisters who support her. When it was all said and done, more than R340 000 was achieved from the entries, sponsorships and auctions! Well done!

Family FUN sponsored by Dirk Ellis!

With so many new families on the Estate, we need events like Saturday’s Family Fun Day to bring them together. Over 130 ignored the inclement weather and gathered in the Clubhouse for games, live music, great food and drink!

Let’s hear it for the MOMS

Every week we offer Ladies’ Day. Every Tuesday at 10 am some of our residents gather to solve the world’s problems or talk about their families! This past Tuesday, Brett, our current Chef, showed off his baking skills! They liked it.


Great Golfing Week



Stars for the week

Front and centre, Chris V Rensburg, led the Eastern Province Country Districts side to a 2nd place finish, played in Cape Town







Our Valued Sponsors



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