This, too, shall pass!

Jeff ClauseSanta Says

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SFL UPDATE – Great News!

If you read my newsletter “Noise” last week, you could understand how relieved our Board, management and indeed the vast majority of our property owners are that CIPC this week issued our compliance certificates for both the HOA and Club.  This comes after a 15-month battle regarding various disputes raised by a small group of property owners, which eventually escalated to CIPC, but brought to an abrupt end on Monday after we submitted a formal opinion by our attorneys Fluxmans Incorporated which settled the matter once and for all.  In a letter to our property owners earlier this week, our chairman Mike Wylie finished as follows:

“The Board has stated many times that our mandate is to serve in the best interest of our members and together with Exco, we will now continue to pursue that goal as always with integrity and transparency, returning to the business of the business, as has been done over the past 16 years.

We have experienced an enormous groundswell of support from hundreds of you and we sincerely thank you for that.

The News24 article last Monday headlined “Luxury golf estate faces a criminal charge for not playing by Companies Act rules”.  If we had to compose the headline today, it might read “Luxury golf estate prevails more united than ever”.

And I can truly echo that the residents of our beautiful estate are most united than ever!

Rates News

Kouga Local Municipality Rates Hike
When our HOA phones started ringing last Friday with upset property owners enquiring about an apparent MASSIVE hike in their municipal rates accounts, it was the first that we as an HOA heard about it. After a few calls to colleagues in our industry and in the same municipal district, it appeared the same had happened there. The bottom line is that our Links property owners have received a 20% reduction from their municipal rates accounts since inception, because our HOA provides the services of a municipal nature, such as:

a. Infrastructure maintenance including stormwater management
b. Water provision
c. Electrical provision
d. Roads
e. Internal sewer reticulation
f. Upkeep of common grounds
g. Refuse removal

The effect of this unilateral action means an immediate and effective 31.56% increase to our property owner rates accounts, without warning. It also means that, because our property owners already pay levies to the HOA for services of a municipal type, which the HOA (and not the municipality) carry out, they therefore effectively pay twice.

We have joined with the Kouga Business Forum as well as numerous private townships/estates also affected in our Kouga area and demanded a plenary session with the municipality which we hope will take place next week. Their apparent reasoning is that such reduction may no longer be afforded by the municipality as it is in conflict with the Act by which they are governed, thus legislative. Together with the other effected parties, we have requested a summary of the events which underpin this decision (council resolutions), explanation of same, relevant legislation as well as urgent steps, if any, undertaken by the municipality to address and / or remedy the matter.

Until the meeting takes place between the affected parties, after which we will provide an update, we assure you that we are urgently attending to this.


Good- News Stories – Accolades

We are super proud of our young (and smart!) resident Conor Howell who was the runner-up U11 champion (solid second place) in chess at the Kouga Mayoral Cup hosted last Saturday! Congratulations young man (pictured here with Mayor Horatio Hendricks and Speaker Brenton Williams)

What did you say, Doctor? 

Some time ago, Guy Wilson was swimming in the Leisure Centre pool almost daily. He was competing in his age group nationally and even represented SA overseas. Then he was told his heart wasn’t lekker and he needed to STOP. With Covid, the Wilsons stayed off the radar and I’m sure, health was the reason. Last week, they returned for bridge (Guy’s other international sport). We reunited and he shared a different story. After year’s, he ignored the Dr’s warning and swam in the British Masters Swimming Championships in Aberdeen, Scotland. Three gold medals later, winning the 50m, 100m and 200m backstroke in his age group, Guy was a champion!

Oh, He and his partner, Peter Terblanche, competed in a less physical championship after qualifying for the All-Africa Bridge Championships – the finished 14th overall! Well done!

Young Families

Our staff is totally committed to St Francis Links in their working hours. But isn’t it great that they actually have time alone with their wives and husbands on occasion. Look what happened!  Christo and Lea brought Ira into the world near a year ago. Fondly known as “Bear” he is now growing into his body! Kaitlyn brings smiles to Eugenie and Kevern. Our newest additions, Head Professional, Norman and his lovely wife, Bianca, are showing off young Jack. There are convinced we named a bar after him. Sorry, Mr Nicklaus.

This Week’s Golf Results

27 July – Pam Golding/SuperSpar – Alliance – Scott Keevy, Martin King, Darren Hammond and Emile Nel

Selective Lighting / The Fireworks – Lynn Slogrove and Kay Sadler

3 July – Ecotect Projects – (L) Lynn Slogrove and Lynda Mynhardt, IPS – Cornelia Alberts; Chris V Rensburg

Dear Lady Presidents, Lady Captains & Representatives

 “NOMADS”   EP versus BORDER : 13 & 14th August 2022

Thank you for submitting names from your club and congratulations to those ladies selected on handicaps.  Unfortunately, Border cannot field 4 teams of 8 players this year.  This has resulted in an agreement between the Unions that ONLY the A Team will consist of 8 players.  In order to still compete for the other 3 trophies, it has been decided that the B, C and D teams will consist of only 4 players each.  It is most unfortunate, as this means that a number of our EP players will not be participating on Sunday.  Hopefully, we will revert back to normal (4 teams of 8 players) next year.  All players are obviously still encouraged to participate in the Saturday Championships and your support will be appreciated on Sunday. The following players (see teams below) have been selected to represent EPWG at the annual EP versus Border matches on Sunday 14th August 2022.

Hats off to our representatives, Izzy and Lynn!






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The 2021 Calendar and results


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