It’s all happening! Bumper issue!

Jeff ClauseSanta Says

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The PGA of SA offers a great opportunity to Nazeem

Thinus did the leg work, putting together a proposal and securing an interview with PGA CEO, Ivano Ficalbi when he was here last week.  The PGA of South Africa in conjunction with the R&A are backing young people who need financial assistance and the opportunity to be educated as a PGA Apprentice. Nazeem started as one of the Player’s assistants outside, but, after obtaining his PDP license, applied for and got the driver position. He has played in regional competitions and is one of the most reliable and trusted employees we have!


Good morning all,

It gives me great pleasure to inform everyone that Nazeem Goeda has been awarded a full bursary to do the PGA program.  By my initial calculation, the bursary is worth R70 000 per year.

The only requirement from the PGA is that he needs to work in the golf department.

As soon as a new driver is employed( process to start asap),  Nazeem can start his duties in the golf department.   I will train him to be the Course Marshall, a duty that takes too much of my time at this stage.   In 2023 he can move towards Pro shop duties.

This is an incredible opportunity for one of our most trusted employees and I take great pride that I was able to secure the bursary for him.


The PGA of South Africa celebrates 100 years

PGA of SA members and families gathered at Royal Port Alfred this past weekend to celebrate their Centenary. Master Professional and Life Member Denis Hutchinson led the way. CEO, Ivano Ficalbi and PGA Board Member, Dave Usendorff spent two days with me here before travelling through. As a 37 Years member of the PGA of America and a 30-year member of the PGA of SA, I am extremely proud of where our organization is today – leading the way in the furtherance of golf. I have achieved the status of Master Professional in the company of legends. My 4 Honours as PGA Professional of the Year keep me reaching for more!

From the website…

“The Professional Golfers Association of South Africa will celebrate its centenary in 2022 and represents 750 Men and Women who have a passion for the game, values and business of golf.
The PGA educates, supports and provides lifelong learning opportunities to its PGA Professionals throughout their careers within all sectors of the industry, enhancing the golf experience and contributing to successful golf facilities and golfers that benefit from their unrivalled knowledge, skills and expertise.
The PGA Professional is passionate about encouraging golfers to improve thereby creating fun moments for more golfers, delivering increased participation, rounds of golf and members.
The PGA honours the traditions of the game in South Africa and engages with all stakeholders and sectors of the golf industry to foster cohesion, growth of the sport and mutually beneficial relationships.
The PGA is a non-profit organisation that aims to play an active role in the sustainability, growth and development of all facets of the game of golf in South Africa and as a founding member of the PGA World Alliance takes an active global role on behalf of the professional game within the African continent.”

“You gotta give respect to the great game of GOLF”

Zanose Kunene, after winning the 13th hole with an 8 to our 9 in foursomes at San Lameer; fortunately, we won the match on the 18th!

Our past winners…

Lynn just made it in as a 30 something

Mantis launches the St Francis Links Villas

The first of FOUR Family FUN Fridays

Deandre Dreyer is on board as the sponsor of Four Family FUN Fridays. Deandre embraces the idea of great Family FUN. He and I-FIBRE will be underwriting the day and with the Links. Food stalls, Live Music from Stirling Olivier, Wine, Gin and Beer bars – and of course, games for all!

PLEASE RSVP – 042 200 4500 or 


The PGA is ON! 3-6 November 2022

  Family FUN Friday – 22 April

Our newest member of the Links Family – Meet Kaitlyn Burger, daughter of Kevern and Eugenie

She is already part of the “bigger” Links family

Golf Events

7 April – Master’s Par-3 – Tony Gunton

9 April – Saturday Comp – Betterball – Bimpie Olivier and Elmarie Maarschalk

13 April – Warwick Wealth – Betterball – Chris and Nic v Rensburg

15 April – Re/Max Royale – Par-3 – Lesley Fisher

Highlights of the Week

Norman (The) Rock aced the 6th hole in the Master’s Par-3 Contest played on Master’s Thursday. Pieter Zietsman followed with a full-sized hole-in-one on the 17th this past Saturday.

Are you looking for a good Caddy?

Download the Zapper app and take a chance!

Thank you all for caring about your course – #leading the way! Adopt a hole (AAH) works.







The 2021 Calendar and results



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