Recommended Service Providers

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crawford dougall

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St Francis Links holds comprehensive corporate insurance with Crawford Dougall Insurance Brokers based in Durban. We are now in our fourth year with the company and have only ever experienced professional and efficient service from them. In addition to many estates which they cover in South Africa, they also offer short term insurance to individual home owners at the best rate we have seen to date.

As contemplated in Article 21.10 of the Article of Association of the Home Owners Association, we are of the belief that Crawford Dougall can also offer you the best rate obtainable. We therefore confidently recommend their services. Due to the economies of scale and the large Golf Estates Portfolio administered by Crawford Dougall, extremely favorable rating has been achieved together with exceptionally wide covers. Crawford Dougall is so confident in their products and the pricing thereof that they have offered to pay the first year of premium for any owner who can better their price for the same level of cover.

We encourage everyone who is in the process of building or has already built a home on the estate to contact them for a quotation or further information:

crawford dougall


Nick Keary



Tel: 031-2073272

Fax: 086-6761315

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

FSP License Number – 24450

Authorised Financial Services Provider

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