“Somebody out there doesn’t like me!”
Imagine you are Dustin Johnson, playing in the final round of the US OPEN on a course that can eat you up and spit you out with any missed shot, and some little guy in charge of rules for the USGA comes up (an hour and a half after the incident) and says, “we may have a little problem”. You see, way back on the 5th hole, after calling a rules official over after his ball moved without addressing it, the official accepted that Dustin did not cause it to move and play continued. Now, he is standing on the 12th tee after striking the ball like gold – golden enough to take the lead and he is told there may be a one-shot penalty coming. But, “just play on and we will look at it after the round”.
Do me a favour, you don’t think this is going to bring back memories – maybe like when he played a ball out of trampled sand in frontier-land at Whistling Straights and it led to a two shot penalty and the end of his Championship quest; or maybe the Golfing Gods and the rulers of the sport still think his off-course past makes him unworthy of holding the National trophy. Maybe he starts thinking about the three putt last year on the last hole at Chamber’s Bay. Maybe the USGA thinks integrity of the game is being challenged when, in fact, gravity on greens running like an ice-skating rink, causes the ball to move.
So good on ya, big lad! You survived the course, your fellow-competitors and the rules officials to win your first major championship. You drove the ball longer than ever seen before and landed it time after time in a space narrower than a New York City alleyway. It should be illegal that you hit the ball that far, leaving only wedges to flags when others were coming in with much longer clubs.
Well done, Branden Grace! With my good friends Meyer and Vickey Du Toit at the US OPEN as Gracie’s guests, I had the inside track to the course, the conditions and the players. Meyer sent pics from the course and carried the bag for Branden in a couple of the practice rounds. Then Branden went out and played himself into contention again. Three bogeys in the last five holes separated Gracie from 5th and 2nd but his performance was, once again, solid. King Louis and Charl also made a move on Saturday but slipped back on Sunday.
Meyer’s post from Oakmont with Branden’s parents, Vickey and Branden’s fiance, Nieke!
Next up is the Open Championship at Royal Troon on Scotland’s west coast. Our boys will be there and in contention again! By the way, have you seen the Supersport intro for the OPEN coverage. Where do you think that piper is really playing – look closely!
The 10th Annual Men’s INVITATIONAL
July 15-17 – Friday to Sunday – Your invitation is coming to you now!
Gentlemen, this is your special time to bring a special friend as the Annual Invitational that is growing by the year! This year, we are adding a special warm-up event on Friday to get to know the course and the greens – make a plan to play in the Ultimate Par-3 event and Shoot-out to follow. The main event, played over two days, Saturday and Sunday, will once again, feature three formats – Modified Betterball, Betterball and Combined Individual Stableford.
Defending champions, Francois V Vuuren with member host, Derek Ryan
Our 2nd Nicklaus Champion of Champions Qualifier!
Saturday, June 18 (US OPEN) best score on the day – Hein Spangenberg – 35 pts
Sunday, July 17 (the OPEN Championship)
Saturday, July 30 (The PGA Championship)
Saturday, September 24 (The TOUR Championships)
The Top FOUR point-getters from their best THREE qualifiers will represent St Francis Links at Serengeti!
Entry Fee: R75 per event
Proudly Sponsored – ITEC SOLUTIONS will be our sponsors for OPEN Wednesday (2nd Wednesday) with meat and added prizes. Invite your friends to enjoy SA’s best with special rates for golf, snacks after the game and great prizes – Hey, Curry Night follows – stay or take away!
March (every Tuesday) – 10am Coffee Break for our lady members
June 25-27: National Order of Merit (juniors)
June 29-30: EP Seniors (72 players) from 9am – limited play for members
July 1: Member Get-together with Ultimate Par-3 and dinner
July 13: ITEC Wednesday – invite friends
July 15-17: The 10th Annual Men’s Invitational
Note the NEW Dates for 2016:
April 9: 1st Qualifier for the Nicklaus Champion of Champions
April 23-24: Club Championships, Sean Botha and Janine VD Merwe, repeat Champions
May 29: Interestate Challenge at Mossel Bay (4th from 7)
June 4: Ladies 10th Annual Invitational – Helen Bridges and Jean Fynn, Champions
June 18: 2nd Qualifier for the Nicklaus Champion of Champions
July 9: Sanlam Cancer Challenge – SFL Qualifier
June 26: Inter- Estate Challenge at Oubaai
July 15-17: Men’s Invitational – Special NEW Friday event and Shoot-out

Proud Sponsors of the Ladies OPEN Weekend and the ANNUAL
July 17: 3rd Qualifier for the Nicklaus Champion of Champions
July 30: 4th Qualifier for the Nicklaus Champion of Champions
July 31: Inter-Estate Challenge at Goose Valley
August 6: Ladies’ Invitational
August 6: 5th Qualifier for the Nicklaus Champion of Champions
August 8-23: Spring Programme – Course and Clubhouse Closed
August 21: Sanlam Cancer Challenge FINALS
August 21: Inter-Estate Challenge Simola
September 24: Final Qualifier for the Nicklaus Champion of Champions
September 25: Inter-Estate Challenge at St Francis Links
September 30, October 1-2: Links Cup
October 30: Inter-Estate Challenge at Pezula
October 30-November 6: Vodacom Origins of Golf FINALS (Sunshine Tour – course Closed)
November 19-20: Pam Golding Ladies OPEN Weekend
November 25-27: Nicklaus Champion of Champions (Serengeti)
November 27: Inter-Estate Challenge FINALS at Pinnacle Point
December 9-11 – 10th Year Anniversary Activities (watch this space)
2016 International Events
US Masters – Augusta National, Georgia – April 7-10 – Danny Willett, Champion
US Open – Oakmont CC, Oakmont, Pennsylvania – June 16-19
Open Championship – Royal Troon, Ayrshire, Scotland – July 14-17
US PGA – Baltusrol (Lower Course), Springfield, New Jersey – July 28-31
The Ryder Cup – Hazeltine, Minnesota – September 30 to October 2
I think this will be an awesome read!
Dale Hayes says he has ticked another “Bucket List” wish off!
He wrote…
Every Great shot starts with a SMILE 
The St Francis Links Team