New Handicap Card Rollout

Jeff ClauseGolf Tips

Handicap card

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Dear Member,

With an aim of ensuring that all players are equipped with high quality and fully functional handicap cards, HNA has issued a brand new card, with a fresh look, to all affiliated golfers. This new card will replace the grey SRIXON SAGA handicap card that is currently in circulation.

Importantly, there will be no cost to the player. Here is a sneak preview of the newly designed handicap card.

Handicap card

Old Card Validity – NB

The old grey SAGA handicap cards will be active until the earlier of the following:

1. 30 June 2016; or
2. The second swipe of the new card on a handicap terminal. (The reason that the old card will only be disabled on the second swipe of the new card is that some clubs test their members’ new cards prior to distributing them.)

If a player has, for some reason, not been able to collect their new card by 30 June 2016, their old grey handicap card will be deactivated. They will still be able to access the handicap system using their manual login details on the handicap terminal, iPhone app and the website.

Should you like your new card sent to you via Courier or the SA Postal Service, please email for arrangements to be made.

Thinus Keller
PGA Head Golf Professional

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