Love is in the air!

Jeff ClauseSanta Says


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Two more of our own tie the knot! 

When you enter Aqua Spa, most days you are greeted by Lea with her warm smile. When you meet Christo, you hear his easy, slow and calm voice. When you see the two of them together, you soon realize they make a pretty darn good couple. That was proven to be true when they shared their vows here on Saturday. Even the weather, which was unseasonably cold and wet on Friday, cleared and warmed up for the occasion. Earlier this winter (cool season), Eugenie and Kevern were married and some would think this is a master plan to keep excellent staff – no, no, no, it’s just this “love-filled” environment we provide for our team, our members and our guests (that’s my story and I’m sticking with it). 

Three cheers for Lea and Christo Krugel! 

please jump done


It’s a family affair…

Charl Blaauw is one of the most valued members of our team, looking after everything that grows and contributing to our EXCO with thoughtful input. Now his wife Saria is working to grow the Estate through sales. She has joined Richard Arderne and Pam Golding Properties and will be based on site. No sooner than this announcement was made, she sold her first property. Char, Saria and their two daughters have lived on the estate for years making her testimonial firsthand! Following is their press release.  


 from Richard Arderne…

Saria Blaauw joins Pam Golding as St Francis Links Specialist, based in the clubhouse
“We are delighted to announce that Saria Blaauw has joined the Pam Golding Properties team! Saria is our St Francis Links specialist, and will be based at the property desk in the clubhouse.” So says Richard Arderne, franchise principal of Pam Golding Properties St Francis Bay.
“Saria and her husband Charl have owned a house and lived on the Links, along with their two daughters, since their arrival here seven years ago, when Charl was appointed St Francis Links Estate Maintenance Manager.”
CEO, Jeff Clause welcomes this new move stating, “Saria will bring the knowledge of estate living with all that is on offer here for young families. Her time living and enjoying life on The Links will be the best testimonial for selling the dream!”
“We at Pam Golding believe that the Links will play an ever-increasing role in St Francis, as the rate of house construction increases, and we believe that the 200 house mark will be reached within the next three years, and that the estate will be fully developed by 2030. That means a lot of home building for the local builders and lots of business for the building material suppliers!” says Richard.
“As there is no retirement village in St Francis, the Links is the obvious choice for those looking for security, both in the homes and when residents walk (or run or cycle) around their streets. And for golfers, the choice is the proverbial no-brainer, with the levy including unlimited golf, on the 6th best course in South Africa.”
“Pam Golding Properties have been the most active agency over the past ten years in the selling of Links plots, and we believe Saria will take this the next level, with her focus and knowledge of the estate. Home sales in particular have been buoyant, with fourteen sales since October, the start of the Links financial year, with Pam Golding selling five of these. The future looks exciting at the Links with the planned launch of the hotel later this year.”
The Pam Golding franchisee has been a plot owner on the Links for the past five years, and is building a spec house starting next month, showing his belief in the future of the Links. Pam Golding are sponsors of two of the major golf tournaments on the Links, the St Francis Ladies Open and the Annual (between the Links and the St Francis Bay Club), and host quarterly economic review breakfasts at the Links, and support many other sporting and charity events at the Links.


When it comes to the environment, we have always strived to be the best! GOLD says it all! 

Links donates land and a great Nature Reserve is born! 

Sandriver Nature Reserve 2

A partnership between 5 area wind farms and the Kromme Enviro Trust called the Greater Kromme Stewardship has paved the way to protect special areas forever! 

Click here for the entrie press release! 

 Links Majors, Special Events and Results for 2018

Jan 2-3        The Pam Golding Annual (St Francis Bay wins – the overall is tied 6 games each)
Jan 5-6        Men’s Member/Member Partnership, Chris and Jandré Lessing, Champions
Jan 20         Windhoek Lager International Pairs (3rd Qualifying), Percy Owen and Norman Dyer
Jan 27-28    EP Champs (course closed)  Altin VD Merwe, Strokeplay Medalist (74-68=142)
Feb 3-4       EP Champs (semi-finals and finals) Naldo Claassens, Champion; Hugo Maritz, Plate Winner
Feb 14        Couples/Mixed Golf – Valentine’s Dinner Ronnie and Sally Nienaber, best members 
Mar 10        Greensomes over 18 holes Pete Maskew and John Wilson, Champions on 39pts 
Apr 22-26   National Senior Inter-Provincials Central Gauteng, Senior Champions; Southern Cape, Super-Senior Champions
May 5-6      Club Championships, Lynn Slogrove and Brent Vos, Champions 
May 13-16  Senior Women’s Nationals (SFL and SFBGC) , Free State wins the team title, Maggie Minnie (Boland), gross champion. 
May 18-20  St Francis Bridge Invitational Everyone was a winner! 
May 20       Nomads Monthly Game (11am Shotgun) 66 in the field
May 24-25  Woodland’s Golf Days 96 players on Thursday and 112 on Friday! HOSPICE wins
May 26       Foursomes over 18 holes Johann Spangenberg and Tom Grimsley; Lynn Slogrove and Margot McGregor
June 2        Ladies’ Invitational, Sandra Marais and Sonette Korff, Champions 
June 16      Quarterly Couples/Mixed – US Open – re-scheduled 
June 17      Father’s Day Golf and Lunch
June 21      EP Seniors
June 25-26 Nomads Coastal NOoM, Barend Botha over Aiden Senger, playoff 143 gross 
July 7          The Inaugural Muirfield Day (foursomes and four balls) everyone was a winner! 
July 20-22   Men’s Invitational, Hein Spangenberg and Eddie Nel, 98 points 
Aug 20 to
Sept 4        Spring Programme (Club Closed) FINAL DATES – PLEASE TAKE NOTE
Sep 23-29   Vodacom Origins of Golf (regional Finals) NEW
Sep 28-29   formerly Links Cup / Ryder Cup (Paris)  (new date TBA
Oct 6          Quarterly Couples/Mixed Golf
Nov            Pam Golding Ladies’ Open Weekend (date – TBD)
Dec 1         Ladies’ Member- Member Partnership
Dec 8         Par-3 Championships
Dec 14-15 Pam Golding Annual (SFBGC host)
Dec 17      Kromme Trust Amazing Race
Dec 20      Food and Wine Festival
Dec 22     Year-end Couples/Mixed – Pro Shop Sale
Jan 3-4    Men’s Member-Member Partnership

 More to Come! 


Itec Golf Days 2018 sm

Itec are our sponsors for OPEN Wednesday (2nd Wednesday) with meat and added prizes. Invite your friends to enjoy SA’s best with special rates for golf, snacks after the game and great prizes – Hey, Curry Night follows – stay or take away!

Monday Roll-up! Pitch up and play (9 holes or 18 Par-3 from 2pm) let’s add you to the What’s app group
All day Saturdays: Morning and afternoon fields – the afternoon field will be booked from 12 noon backwards with emphasis on “ready golf”

Monday Men’s Book Club – 5pm in Jack’s Bar (no reading required)
Ladies’ Tea (and Coffee) – Every Tuesday at 10am on the Veranda

  See you in September – with great new things to see and enjoy! 

Every Great shot starts with a SMILE! 

Santa and the Links TEAM 


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