It’s HARD being a caddy

Jeff ClauseShort Putts

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It’s Hard being a caddy!
sent to me by more than one friend this week  

David Feherty does a stand-up show that is quite spectacular. It’s all about his life in golf, the drinking and lots of stories about life on the tour. Here’s one of his stories:

It was back in the 70’s and a soon-to-be prominent golfer (Ray Floyd) was playing at Augusta for his first Masters. Back then the players could not bring their own caddies but had to use one of the locals. Floyd told the caddy master he wanted a big fellow who could handle his bag, but who also would keep quiet, no advice needed.

The caddy who was assigned Floyd said, “Hello Mr. ………..”.

Floyd said “Hello.” And followed that with, “That’s the last I want to hear from you.”

Everything went well until the 10th hole when Floyd pushed his drive into the right trees on the par 4. After surveying the scene he said out loud, “I’m going to hit a low fade out through that opening to carry and land mid green and then roll over the crest down near the hole.”
Surprisingly he pulled it off exactly and turned to his caddy and said, “How’s that?”
The caddy spoke for the first time and said, “That wasn’t your ball.”

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