Hole 2 – ‘Which Way?’

Jeff ClauseHole Explorer


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Par 4 (383, 363, 328, 286 Metres, Stroke 3)

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In true links fashion, you arrive at the tee and guess where to aim. My advice? Take the driver over the aiming pole and the left corner of the bush. Shorter hitters should aim at the bush on the left.

How to Play this Hole

When I arrived on the tee for the first time, I looked almost 270 degrees before I found the hole! The dune and another blowout distort the shot-making picture here. If you know your own length, carrying the dune and the bush will bring huge rewards. Shorter hitters stay left, lay-up and pitch your third. Longer hitters should let it fly. Trust me, there is plenty of fairway over the dune.



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