Par 4 (347, 324, 263, 224 Meters, Stroke 16)
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Before the course was open and there were no flagsticks, this green was lost in the dunes. There is 30m between the Illusion and the bunkers trust your club!
How to Play this Hole
When Jack Nicklaus played this hole on Opening Day, I asked him his thoughts about designing holes where you dont see the bottom of the flagstick. He quipped, with a fairway this wide, you need a little mystery! This is my favourite hole on the back nine, because it fits so nicely between the natural dunes on the left and right. You can bang it™ off the tee and get a birdie reward with good distance control on your second. It may look like an Illusion™ as the green sits between the bunkers front and back but there is PLENTY of room in between. Thats why I like it!!! You will too.
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