To the Team!

Jeff ClauseSanta Says

Staff 1

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We celebrate another good year with a great team! 
On the 10th of December, we will begin our 14th year as St Francis Links! 
Home-building is coming on at a rapid pace with more than 27 new homes completed and another 24 under construction. Many of our team have watched most of the home-building and have served our homeowners and guests with their best efforts. As part of the annual yearend party, our department heads awarded service certificates to those who have been here for 5 and 10 years. Then we asked those who have been here even longer to stand and be recognised. It makes us all proud to see who many of our team have put in years of good service. 
We all met at the Bowling Club and we, the “master bowlers”, gave instruction and in minutes they were off! You can not become proficient in minutes, but you can make it fun! Then we were catered to a spit braai and salads before howling through  Kareoke! 
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Award winners 
Staff 4 sm
It was one of our better functions with everyone participating and laughing all the way through!  

Muirfield Day returns




Preferred Lies – UPDATE 




The St Francis Links HOTEL by Mantis – SHOW UNITS are under construction 

The proposed St Francis Links Hotel by Mantis is being sold as a sectional title scheme. Now, three units are being built as show units to promote sales. 

show  show2

 The show unit, comprised of one, two-bedroom unit and two, one-bedroom units will be completed for the season. 

The Hotel will consist of 60 1 and 2-bedroom suites, modelled after the successful hotel development at Pearl Valley, where the 2nd phase was launched recently. The Clubhouse will be home to reception manned 24/7, the Food and Beverage services, Bard- ua, the Spa and of course, the home of the Jack Nicklaus Signature Course!  Pam Golding Properties are handling the sales for the Hotel. Neil Fox is the lead person. Neil Fox Saria Blaauw is assisting and they are dividing their time at The Links 


Our events  

New ITS Logo 1   selective

Ernie and Linda Müller and their Team from Selective Lighting are making Fridays extra special at St Francis Links. Once a month, they host the Selective Lighting/The Fireworks Friday Competition. We shotgun start the players for 9 holes. Starting times are based on the season, 14h30 in the “Cool Season” and 15h30 in the summer months. Be a part of growing the Club and join us for nine and some good times after golf! Please enter in advance for numbers.


ITEC are our sponsors for OPEN Wednesday (2nd Wednesday) with meat and added prizes. Invite your friends to enjoy SA’s best with special rates for golf, snacks after the game and great prizes – Hey, sometimes Curry Night follows – stay or take away!

Monday Roll-up! Pitch up and play (9 holes or 18 Par-3 from 2pm) let’s add you to the What’s app group
All day Saturdays: Morning and afternoon fields – the afternoon field will be booked from 12 noon backwards with emphasis on “ready golf”

Monday Men’s Book Club – 5pm in Jack’s Bar (no reading required)
Ladies’ Tea (and Coffee) – Every Tuesday at 10am on the Veranda


Every Great shot starts (and ends) with a SMILE!

Santa and the Links TEAM




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